Quick science-based tips to improve your daily life.
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3 Foods That Sound Healthy But Have Too Much Hidden Added Sugar
Sugar is getting a really bad reputation these days. Some of that bad rep is justified and some of it is not. Let’s break down the facts. Sugar is like gasoline to your brain. In fact, of everything you eat, a whopping 50% of the sugar you eat is used up just by your brain. …
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3 Surprising Ways To Hack Your Day-to-Day Mood
Sometimes you are just having a bad day! And it makes sense why you would be in a bad mood. But other times your mood is just off and you can’t seem to figure out what’s going on. (Just a quick point. Mood is incredibly complex; there is day-to-day mood, and then there are conditions like…
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A 5 Minute Solution To Help You Sleep
https://youtu.be/IwOwUjJiSjE Having trouble falling asleep? There is something you can do first thing in the morning that will help you fall asleep at night. And it only takes a few minutes! …continue reading
A Quick Tip To Help You Focus
https://youtu.be/40mjr5ktg_o Do you think it’s better to work or study in the same place all the time, or is it better to find a new location? Watch the video to see what you should do to stay focused.
A Quick Tip To Help You Sleep
https://youtu.be/UF57_1p3rAo Do you have trouble falling asleep? This video will show you a strategy to clear your mind before bed.
A Quick Tip To Manage Anxiety
You can overcome anxiety using this simple mental strategy. Watch to find out how.
An Easy Tip To Help You Manage Your Anxiety
Anxiety is essentially a survival mechanism that alerts us to danger. The feelings of anxiety are common and it is important to note that individuals respond to anxiety differently. Read on for some simple tips that you can incorporate into your routine. Addressing Anxiety: How Bad Is it? Feeling a little anxious from time to…
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Are You Forgetting Something? Here’s How to Improve Your Memory
Have you ever wondered how to improve your memory? We’ve all had those moments where we’re standing by the refrigerator with the door open, gazing at it blankly as we forget exactly what we were hoping to find… We all forget from time-to-time; it’s perfectly normal. Our memories naturally decline a little as we age.…
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Brain Health Tips: Your Gut and Alzheimer’s Disease
Catch my video segments on Dr. Oz: …continue reading
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Good Morning Washington
Have You Ever Wondered How to Get Better Grades? Here’s One Simple Trick
Almost every student wants to know how to get better grades. Today I’m going to share a simple tip to score higher on a test, and maybe even boost your test results up 20%. Even if you’re not a student, you’ll find this exercise helps your concentration and focus no matter what you’re doing. Does…
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How To Power Nap Based On Brain Science
Have you ever wondered how to power nap so that you wake up feeling energized? Is there a “hack” for making sure our naps wake us up feeling refreshed instead of making us feel more tired? There is …and it starts with understanding how the brain works through our wake/sleep cycles. To learn more keep…
Is This Added Sugar? All The Sneaky Ways Food Manufacturers Add Sugar To Our Food
Sugar has become the enemy! But that’s not entirely true. Read here to see how sugar is absolutely necessary to run your brain and body. The big concern is sugar that is being added to our food during the manufacturing process. Minimizing and eliminating high fructose corn syrup is a great start. This is human-made highly…
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It Starts With The Brain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkz74NP6r64&list=PL6DKt0b8zxeL2pWbKTVOFy83M0O5DszaF&index=1&t=2s Maria Shriver and Lifetime held “The Women’s Health Summit: It Starts With The Brain” in NYC. I was honored to be on the panel to share important updates about the evolving and cutting-edge link between our brain, our gut, and Alzheimer’s disease. The video includes critical new updates and actionable and inspiring tips on fighting and lowering risk for Alzheimer’s disease and keeping…
One Simple Tip To Boost Your Focus!
https://youtu.be/nFlSXuf-U44 Ever find it hard to focus? Here is a science based tip to increase your focus. And it’s super simple! …continue reading
Struggling to Sleep? Here are 3 Simple Things That Will Help you Fall Asleep Fast (and Stay Asleep)
It is extremely frustrating when we want nothing more than to fall asleep, but we find ourselves tossing and turning and that peaceful slumber remains elusive. Thankfully, breakthrough brain science insights have uncovered simple steps to help your body and brain get back on track to fall asleep fast, sleep through the night and wake…
The Biggest Memory Booster
https://youtu.be/xFk-7TfH74o There is something you can do every single day that has been scientifically proven to improve your memory. Don’t forget this tip! …continue reading
What Is Change Fatigue And How To Train Your Brain To Better Adapt To Change
Written by Dr. Marc Milstein and Ben Moorsom of Debut Group Change: Do you love it or hate it? Many of us don’t care much for it. We want routine! We want structure! We want predictability! While change is often seen as a positive, it can also be associated with negative emotions.When we are constantly…
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What To Eat For Your Brain Health
What Type of Exercise is Best for Brain Health?
It’s no big surprise that exercise is great for your physical health, but there is new research on some unexpected brain benefits as well. Even if we know exercise is good for us, it can be understandably challenging to find time to fit in that workout. If you are looking for the most “bang for…
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